Update: The Richie Allen Show YouTube Channel Has Now Been Deleted

That’s it then. Further to my post this morning (you might want to read it if you missed it), Google/YouTube has deleted my channel, citing a third community guideline strike. This time it was my interview with Jim Fetzer last Monday. Jim came on to state that in his opinion, there were anomalies with the media reporting of the school shooting in Parkland, Florida. The interview can be heard here https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/richieallen/episodes/2018-02-19T13_09_16-08_00

You can hear me repeatedly challenge Jim, as I always do with any guest that makes a highly controversial claim about a shooting or a terrorist attack. Jim concedes several times that his opinion is just his opinion and that I might in fact be right in believing the narrative. Yet Google/YouTube claims it is harassment or bullying. Of whom exactly? The victims families or the people of that community? That’s ridiculous. I argued with Jim who is a gentleman, whether you agree with him or not. I challenged everything he said. He didn’t harass or bully anyone. Jim is a former commander of marine corp drill instructors, an officer and a man who published multiple peer reviewed papers and books on critical thinking. He’s an academic man which is why I invite him on every six months or so.

I’ve appealed. I have told Google that at no time in the three and a half years the show has been on air, has a third party (someone not present) been harassed or bullied, let alone threatened. I respectfully asked that a human being listen to the show and take the decision to restore the channel and my access to it. I’ll keep you posted. What fuckery eh? What total fuckery.


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